music to my ears

this is what i’ve been thinking about. i love my band, dearly, but not being able to go on tour might give me some time to focus on my own musical creations. I am thinking about getting 2GB of ram, and an outbox to do a bit of recording on my own. Now that I have the sweetest keyboard known to mankind, I think I have the potential to create some amazing music. I am recording a five song demo entitled “faulty guitar”. I am most likely going to get about 300 pressed, or maybe just buy printed cds and press them myself.

I also want to get my website madebypaul[dot]com up and running. Im not sure whats going to be on there, but it will probably be a showcase of my up and coming sites, as well as my music. oh, dont worry there will be a link to my blog as well

im also going to be working on my original idea of making online storybooks for kids. I figure its a noble endeavor that could really help some kids out and maybe eventually increase literacy on the web in general.

thats it for now, back to work *whipah*